

Our company is able to offer complete solutions to projects in the construction industry and to undertake the complete renovation of premises or building units, including design, supervision, as well as the implementation of construction related works:


-Land Building
-Building work, including:Building work, including the construction of new buildings
-Heating and plumbing
- Heating, ventilation, , electrical installations
- Metal structures
-Oil painting
-Raised floors
-Passive fire protection

Field of work

Over the course of several years, our company has been active, gaining extensive experience, in large-scale public and private sector projects, such as:

- Hotel units
- In large-scale public sector projects, such as hotels, restaurants, hotels, hotels, restaurants, etc.
- Airports - Metro Stations
-Hospitals - Clinics
-Hospitals - Clinics - Hospitals - Hospitals - Clinics
-Residential buildings
